Automated Resume Score

We believe in empowering savvy job seekers with the latest advances in AI and machine learning technology. Our free resume grader is trusted by millions of users to provide salary estimates, tips for improvement, and core skills analysis.

Job Referral

We've eliminated the job search black hole. We provide direct referral to contacts at the company and guarantee feedback on every application.

Interview Practice

Take a written practice interview anytime you like. We provide technical and non-technical questions asked recently by top companies, and provide you detailed feedback on how your interview went.


MIT Professor Ed Roberts

MIT Professor Ed Roberts shares thoughts on success.

Qiana Patterson

Our interview with Qiana Patterson, VP of Strategic Development at HopSkipDrive.

Sam Dingman

Sam Dingman on How To Succeed at Podcasting.

Dan Janjigian

Dan Janjigian, Congressional hopeful and movie star.

Press Mentions